The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

The ZRC Needs to Watch Filmmaker Jose Gomez of ‘Strawberry Summer’ More Carefully

The ZRC has had a long and productive relationship with actress Deneen Melody, and I think we’re even bringing ’3 Slices of Life’ director Anthony Sumner around with her help. So maybe she can get us a chance to educate another filmmaker with a dicey Anti-Zombie past:

It’s one of the many challenges Gomez, of Geneva, faces when making a film. In the past nine years, Gomez made seven films, with some of the larger projects funded by producers, such as the zombie flick “Bled White” and the bloody serial killer horror “Plastic.” But this time, the project is his own “baby” rather than an idea from a producer fronting the film costs.

“Strawberry Summer.” The movie, which Gomez plans to film in the Geneva area next year, tells the story of a lonely teen girl, Fay, trying to find herself. She meets a girl, Summer, who convinces her to form the suicide pact.

“For me, it’s a very, very special story,” said Gomez, 38. “There’s no zombies, no serial killers. This is a very human story, a very character-driven story.”

Oh I see, so I take it that Mr. Gomez feels Zombie stories can’t be ‘human’, they can’t be ‘character-driven’. A typical and tragically limited Living Supremacist attitude, and one that needs correcting as soon as possible.

If only we had some sort of in, a way to get our Zombie Friendly feet in the door… if only..

Luckily, Gomez already had an alternate idea of who he wants to play the role.

She’s Deneen Melody of Chicago, an actress who recently starred in the independent horror film “Slices of Life.”

“I wrote the script specifically with her in mind,” Gomez said.

Wrote the script with Deneen in mind, eh? That sounds like *leverage* to me.

Prepare to be lobbied *vigorously* on behalf of the Differently Animated, Mr. Gomez. We’re relentless at the ZRC, but hey, we also bring cookies.

Keep all of that in mind.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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