The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

The ZRC is Beset By Woe, But Off to Texas

Yes, that title is partially just an excuse to use the phrase ‘beset by woe’, what can I say, I’m a bit strange.

In the last day:

-my laptop crashed, corrupting a ton of my files, necessitating an all nighter to restore some things not backed up in Dropbox
-one of our bathrooms had a rather.. severe plumbing issue at 4 in the morning
-my USB memory stick went on the fritz, removing another convenient backup source
-the ZRC’s office printer died


Two things. One: yiiiiiiiiiiikes! This has not been a great day for Zombie Rights. Two: I am so looking forward to being out of the Madison area for a bit, where at least my cursed touch can’t destroy anything else I own.

Note: I apologize to Victoria, Texas for any gremlins I may attract to your town. I’m sure it was very nice before all your printers and toilets started to explode.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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