The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

The Zombie Rights Campaign’s Trip to the Great Debate in Victoria, Texas

We came, we saw, we did noble battle against the forces of intolerance.

Well, *I* did, anyway.

Yes, the trip to engage in a heated ideological struggle for the promotion of Undead Equality has been successfully completed, and I am here to tell about it. And brag about it.

Really brag about it.

As mentioned previously on the blog, the ZRC was invited to come to the University of Houston-Victoria to debate one of their Professors on the subject of Zombie Rights after our scathing indictment of their selection of ‘World War Z’ for their Community of Readers program on campus.


Mental note: criticize more universities so we can get more speaking opportunities to spread the world about Zombie Rights.

And so on Tuesday I got on a series of planes to fly, then drive, down to Victoria, Texas for this mighty struggle of empathy and imagination!

(the poster on display at the entrance to University West, the building holding our debate venue)

My adversary? Professor Justin Bell, trained in the arts of philosophy, who had sadly chosen to use his skills with rhetoric for the cause of Evil.

(A den of wickedness)

The venue? Alcorn Auditorium.


So how did it go?

Pretty darn well! We debated back and forth, somewhat contentiously, and the moderator had to step in a few times to maintain order. I think the ZRC message of Zombie tolerance came through pretty well, and more than a few Anti-Zombie tropes and stereotypes were exposed as the product of ignorance and fear.

We argued over topics like ‘Are Zombies Dangerous?’ and discussed the need for legal protection for the Zombie Community against discrimination. Cultural issues came up, and the question of whether Zombie Rights was a Northern concern, or in the case of the UK Zombie Rights struggle, a foreign one, was discussed as well. The ZRC believes, however, that all regions of this great nation are ready for the cause of Undead Equality. We concede that some areas, like Chicago in particular, have long been hotbeds for Zombie Rights agitation, but empathy and compassion know no state boundaries, and Texas is home to the ZRC’s Cultural Historian Andrew Leal, proving, I think, that the state has been ready to hear more of our message for years already.

(Zombie Friendly Chicago, as seen from the air)

Then after the verbal jousting, the university treated both debaters to some Texas BBQ to help mend the rift between us.


Hmm, barbecue.


Once again the ZRC would like to thank the University of Houston-Victoria, its special events coordinator Samantha K. Bell, the students and faculty who came out to hear our message and, yes, even our worthy adversary Professor Justin Bell, who hopefully has learned to open his heart just a little toward the Differently Animated.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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