The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Just What We Didn’t Need: A Living Supremacist Christmas Song

We got forwarded this link on the ZRC Twitter over the holiday weekend, and naturally, we were disgusted:

Sample Lyrics:

Throwing a rock
Unloading my Glock
Hurling Molotovs
Nothing makes ‘em stop
Living in a land where everyone is dead
Gonna put this one last bullet right through my own head.

Yes, it’s a ‘festive’ song full of gunplay, random violence and vicious stereotypes about how the Differently Animated just want to eat you alive and make you ‘one of them’.

Just in time for Christmas.


The Zombie Rights Campaign had an EXTREMELY easy time, given the complete inappropriateness of both the messaging and the timing, in giving this video/song our lowest rating, the Living Supremacist mark of shame:

Old Men's prejudice, more like.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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