The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Bloggery, Site Issues, End of Semester Housekeeping

| December 2, 2014

Hello ZRC Allies! Apologies for more or less a month offline, though not off the Cause; your ZRC President’s second-to-last semester of law school has proven to be a killer. Fortunately, not in the Umbrella sense, just in the entire books of dry legal reading to do sense. We will be doing a lot more [...]

ZRC Review ‘Zombie Killer’ Cyser/Mead

| December 2, 2014

Lately, the ZRC blog has been delving into the world of Zombie-themed alcohol reviews. We’ve covered several notable beers, but hadn’t gotten around to one of the more popular Zombified alcohols: ‘Zombie Killer’ from B. Nektar. First, a bit of fun learning! ‘Zombie Killer’ refers to itself as a Cyser. If you’re like me, you [...]

The ZRC Trip to ‘Nightmare on Chicago Street’ 2014 with Pictures

| November 1, 2014

Hello out there, Zombie Rights supporters! This is our slightly belated post about ‘Nightmare on Chicago Street’ 2014; there were some slight camera issues but it’s all worked out now. —– Saturday, October 25th the Zombie Rights Campaign once again traveled to, well, chilly Elgin Illinois for their Halloween spectacular/outreach event known as ‘Nightmare on [...]

The Pentagon Plans for Zombie Apocalypse Even It Knows Is A Non-Issue

| May 24, 2014

Hello Zombie Rights Allies! The semester is over for your ZRC President and it’s time to get back to some serious fighting for Undead Equality. And what do you know, but the Pentagon (yes, THAT Pentagon) is giving us some particular heartburn this week: Washington (CNN) — Never fear the night of the living dead [...]

Zombie Rights Campaign – Spring Update

| April 5, 2014

Hello out there, Zombies and Zombie Allies! Apologies for the relative dearth of content the last few months; it’s the end of my second year in the school of the law and there are midterms to take, finals to study for, and my law-related job is training me to handle actual clients and their cases. [...]

ZRC Public Appearance Announcement: Dark Carnival/Diabolique Film Festival

| February 1, 2014

The Zombie Rights Campaign will be making our annual pilgrimage back to Southern Indiana this year for a trip to the Dark Carnival Film Festival! Well, not quite; they’ve had an upgrade and a name change. Now it’s the ‘Diabolique’ Film Festival. But we still anticipate a slate of engaging and challenging, occasionally heartwarming (if [...]

Zombie Law School and ZRC Updates

| February 1, 2014

I have started the second semester of my second year at law school, and am busy learning things to advance the cause of Zombie Rights (I hope). I have taken all my required Constitutional Law classes, which are of obvious import, but everything could have implications for the Differently Animated, at least to my so-far-relatively-inexperienced [...]

The ZRC Prevails Over Real Life Troubles

| December 14, 2013

Hello faithful Zombie Friendly readers! The ZRC is, despite appearances, still functional and working on devising new strategies for advancing the cause of Undead Equality. It’s just that pesky mundane regular life has been getting in the way the last few weeks. An update: First, as part of my efforts to get into better picketing [...]

On the Ethics of Protesting as ‘Zombies’

| November 16, 2013

The Zombie Rights Campaign largely stayed out of commenting on the political arena this year, but we would like to, now that the campaign season has cooled down, issue a word of caution about a trend we are observing: Protesting as Zombies. In other words, dressing up as Zombies, not to protest on behalf of [...]

Nightmare on Chicago Street 2013

| October 30, 2013

The Zombie Rights Campaign had a great time at Nightmare on Chicago Street in Elgin last Saturday! We were once again very impressed by the extremely creative, extremely hardworking Elgin crew, who create what is unambiguously the biggest, most elaborate Halloween public celebration and Zombie Walk we have ever seen. (Like being in an action [...]