The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

‘Zombies Ate My Homework’ Shirt Starts New Trend: Blame Zombies for Absolutely Everything

| January 25, 2011

Just as people bereft of creativity have suddenly realized they stand a chance at making some extra lucre by slapping Zombies into just about anything, there are those who wish to escape blame for their own poor decisions and dubious actions who are coming to realize that Zombies make a pretty convenient scapegoat in our [...]

Majesco Thinks Zombies are ‘Pets’, Gamers are Insensitive Bigots

| January 25, 2011

I can’t think of any other explanation for this atrocity to come for the 3DS from game publisher Majesco: Developed by 1st Playable Productions, Pet Zombies in 3D lets players raise their very own decaying human pets by managing their special dietary preferences (brains and the like), bodily maintenance (or lack thereof) and morbid activities [...]

We Hate Your Work, Have a Cookie

| January 25, 2011

Sometimes, even though we strive to keep the ZRC focused on its mission and as non-partisan as possible, events in ‘conventional’ politics compel us to respond, like we did to a Republican plan here in Wisconsin to disenfranchise Zombie voters, amongst many others. Other times we’re simply inspired by the actions of other lobbying groups, [...]

Checking Back in with ‘Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?’

| January 24, 2011

A couple of weeks ago I assessed the first episode of ‘Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?’, which is streaming (legally) over at Crunchyroll, for the ZRC. I’ve been keeping up, and saw the third episode this afternoon. So far.. so good, at least as far as Zombie Rights is concerned. The second episode introduced an [...]

ZRC Reviews: ‘The Zombie’ Short Film: Sad and Stereotyped at Same Time

| January 24, 2011

This one is short, so I kind of hesitated to give it a review, but I did review Rise of the Living Corpse, which is about forty seconds long, so I think the precedent was set months ago on the minimum length for a film to review., which hosts the film, describes it this [...]

George Romero Doesn’t Just Dislike Zombies, He Underpays Them

| January 24, 2011

Well, actors portraying Zombies anyway. Check out this graphic, brought to our attention by The Horror Society, which contains a number of factoids about the horror film industry worth discussing: A nightly wage equivalent to 3 bucks and change in today’s dollar. That’s a low blow, even for Mr. Romero and his history making poor [...]

Zombie Rights Ouchie

| January 22, 2011

Sigh. Sorry gang, but I’ve had a computer mishap here and lost a bunch of work, so I’m probably taking the rest of the weekend off from much work here on the site to take some precautions so that this never happens again. I truly hate when minor real life issues get in the way [...]

Propagandizing Schoolchildren Against Zombies in Hampton, Virginia

| January 22, 2011

A wave of vandalism with Anti-Zombie themes has struck in Hampton, Virginia recently: HAMPTON, Va. (WAVY) – Zombie signs just can’t be killed. Road signs were changed to warn of the undead for the third time in as many days Thursday. The prankster hit along Fox Hill Road in Hampton sometime overnight. Authorities had turned [...]

‘Rock of the Dead’ an Insult to Zombies, Gamers, Dr. Horrible Fans, Sentient Life in General

| January 21, 2011

Did you know that an Anti-Zombie, vaguely musical (think Guitar Hero) videogame came out late last year? Nope, me either. Or, it seems, anyone who plays games, almost anywhere in the world; but it happened, and it was/is called ‘Rock of the Dead’ Released for the Wii, PS3 and Xbox 360 in October with a [...]

When Does the Hurting Stop? – Hardy Boys, Now with Zombies

| January 21, 2011

Seriously, people. Enough. I get it, I really do. You watch TV, go to the movies, browse Barnes and Noble and you think, ‘Zombies are EVERYWHERE these days! I should cash in!” Please don’t. Don’t just toss Zombies, particularly Zombie stereotypes, into your work, thinking that you can cover intellectual and creative bankruptcy with a [...]