The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

World War Z: Film Production-Pocalypse

I know we’ve been skeptical about the upcoming ‘World War Z’ film, but this article makes it sound like the real Apocalypse has been behind the cameras:

It now seems that everything was upside-down on “World War Z.” “A nightmare from top to bottom,” describes one source with ties to the production, which appears to have been hampered from the outset by a lack of clear creative direction.

At this point, the movie, with a price tag now said to be north of $170 million, needs as many as five weeks of complex reshoots, which are not expected to get underway until at least September. Paramount has taken the unusual step of hiring “Prometheus” scriptwriter Damon Lindelof to rework the film’s third act. The studio announced in March that it was moving the film release from December 2012 to June 2013.

Basically everything that could go wrong, no one’s in charge, everything was rushed and is a mess and now they want to change the ending.


Plus it seems like they may have hired some actual nutjob Anti-Zombie survivalists to work on the film. Well, it’d explain the weapons anyway:

Then, in October, proceedings were disrupted when a Hungarian anti-terrorism unit raided an airport warehouse and confiscated 85 fully functional automatic assault rifles that were to be used on the shoot. (The guns were not supposed to be operational, and it is illegal to transport such weapons into the country.) With the movie already behind schedule and over budget, Pitt was said to be livid at the mistake — and perhaps wearying of a project that was showing no sign of ending.

Mistake? Shippng 85 fully functional automatic weapons across international borders is less of a ‘mistake’ and more of an INVASION. Good grief!

But hey, at least if it’s not delayed again, it will be in the heart of good, warm picketing weather. That’s something.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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