The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

The ZRC Responds to Harcos Labs

| April 6, 2011

Today the ZRC got a surprise via Twitter and Facebook: Harcos Labs, infamous makers of ‘Zombie Blood’ and ‘Zombie Jerky’ snack products, also known for their Anti-Zombie propaganda videos, had decided to issue a response to our critique of their Youtube campaign. Harcos: Harcos Labs Responds to Zombie Rights Campaign’s Accusation Zombie-friendly laboratory discusses newest [...]

“Age of Zombies” Pushes Living Supremacism Through Simulated Time Travel

| April 5, 2011

Depressingly, the variety of Anti-Zombie videogames just seems to keep increasing at a steady clip. Perhaps tiring of the Zombie Apocalypse theme, Anti-Zom developers are branching out: There’s no denying it. Zombie games make money. No one has anything against a good zombie game really, it’s just that there’s a lot of them. So we [...]

Zombie Walk Gets Amazing, Mostly Positive Press

| April 5, 2011

The Zombie Walk Against Governor Walker (which the ZRC of course attended) has been getting lots of press, and surprisingly, a few stereotypical ‘Zombie’ jokes aside, it’s mostly positive! From AMERICAblog: It seems more zombies turned out in Madison, Wisconsin this weekend than Teabaggers turned out in DC last week. Yeah, that’s right — zombies [...]

Get Out There and Vote, Madison!

| April 5, 2011

You have two Zombie Tolerant (or better!) candidates for mayor, plus other elections including a Supreme Court race that has become a referendum on Governor Walker (who is Anti-Zombie). I highly suggest voting tomorrow. Wisconsin has same-day registration, so there’s no real barrier. Find your polling place (use this site) and go there. Polls are [...]

New ‘Documentary’ Degrades Zombie Women by Extolling Negative Stereotypes in Film

| April 5, 2011

This kind of speaks for itself, but what the hey: The Walking Dead Girls is a behind-the-scenes look into zombie culture in the United States and the obsession into “”Sexy Female Zombies””. What is it about Zombie Bimbos or “”Zimbies”” that are starting to gain the worlds interest? Why are zombies now in mainstream culture [...]

Response from the Mayor Dave Campaign

| April 4, 2011

I sent the following email to Mayor Dave’s campaign staff yesterday regarding the Soglin attendance at Saturday’s Zombie Walk and the pledge Soglin made toward better integration of the Differently Animated in the City of Madison: To the Campaign of Mayor Dave Cieslewicz: As you are no doubt aware, yesterday a heavily publicized ‘Zombie Walk [...]

Zombie Rights and the Mayoral Election (Updated)

| April 3, 2011

Yesterday was a great day for Zombie Rights, what with the quite large and entirely peaceful and law-abiding Zombie Walk Against Governor Walker here in Madison. Even the Mainstream Media’s reporting on the event was largely positive: On Saturday afternoon, the protest movement against Gov. Scott Walker finally died, so to speak. A shuffling, groaning [...]

Zombie Walk Against Walker: A Peaceful Protest by the Differently Animated

| April 2, 2011

I think today demonstrates once and for all the link between talking about the Differently Animated and discussing politics, for today here in Madison we had a fascinating example of peaceful political activism – by the Differently Animated and their allies. Yes, it was the Zombie Walk Against Governor Walker, and the ZRC was there. [...]

Quick Update on Zombie Walk

| April 2, 2011

We’re back, we had a great time, and there are lots of pictures. Here’s the flickr set from today’s event. I will be writing more comprehensive stuff after dinner; haven’t really eaten yet today. Starving.

Reminder: Zombie Walk Against Walker Today in Madison

| April 2, 2011

Just a quick-heads up about the Zombie Walk on State Street starting this afternoon against Gov. Walker. We’ll be there with stuff to hand out, and we’d love to see you too. Here’s the FB page. Here’s the basic info: Dress up like a zombie and make a clever sign. I would like everyone to [...]