The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

George Romero’s At It Again

| April 15, 2011

From the 14th to 19th centuries, Bubonic plague, aka the Black Death, repeatedly struck and utterly devastated Europe, each time causing untold devastation and the deaths of millions, only to largely disappear for decades, even centuries, before returning with a vengeance to any particular locale. I mention this only to illustrate that some pestilences upon [...]

‘Killer Ice Cream Men and the Untimely Waffle, Zombies and Cat’

| April 2, 2011

No, that title isn’t some sort of mad-lib, and no, I haven’t had a stroke. It is, in fact, the actual title of an upcoming short film that looks like it may just be another Atomic Age Cinema-esque brilliant satire of the ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ genre: I really wish I could give you more information on [...]

Band ‘Goblin’ to Reunite, Famed for Work on ‘Dawn of the Dead’

| February 11, 2011

What is it with reunion tours, anyway? Is it just me or are they nearly constant now. With some bands I’d almost say they just break up to boost enthusiasm for the inevitable reunion tour. At any rate, ‘Goblin’, most infamous amongst Zombie Rights advocates for their work on the ‘Dawn of the Dead’ soundtrack, [...]

Old Interview with George Romero Yields Frightening Ideas, Including a ‘Night of the Living Dead’ Musical

| February 8, 2011

In the process of writing the belated birthday greeting the ZRC gave Creepshow maestro and, err, Father of the Modern Anti-Zombie Film George Romero, google yielded an interview from last year with Vanity Fair that I missed, and there’s some fascinating, and disturbing, stuff in there: Eric Spitznagel: To paraphrase Freud, sometimes things have symbolism [...]

Happy Belated Birthday to George A. Romero from The Zombie Rights Campaign

| February 5, 2011

In the midst of all this constant arguing and occasional banhammering, I missed out on an important milestone yesterday: it was George Romero’s birthday! Unfortunately, this annual event is typically celebrated with a healthy dose of Anti-Zombie rhetoric: Today the man who launched a thousand zombie films with his 1968 classic Night of the Living [...]

Professor from My Alma Mater Peddles Anti-Zombie Bigotry

| February 5, 2011

I was really saddened to hear about this story featuring an Anti-Zombie professor from my undergrad school, Indiana University: There is something keeping Stephen Watt up at night, and it’s not vampires, demons or malignant pudding, but rather a simple question: why is it that Americans love killing zombies? Watt, an English professor from Indiana [...]

“Zombie Gentrification” and Wordgames to Justify Anti-Zombie Hate

| January 16, 2011

It just wouldn’t be a week monitoring the pop-culture/journalism feeds without another piece that combines ivory tower cloud-talking with dubious historical analysis to frame a piece expressing befuddlement with, and general distaste for, the presence and popularity of the Differently Animated in media: What are we to make of AMC’s The Walking Dead? The question [...]

ZRC Reviews: “My Zombie Lover”

| January 15, 2011

This is an oldie but a fascinating case study in how an attempt at Zombie Friendliness can go off the rails and become… well, something very different. It’s also necessarily pretty heavy on spoilers, so if you wish to avoid that, just skip to the last paragraph for our rating. Some background: “My Zombie Lover” [...]

Harvard Professor and Psychiatrist Gave Unfortunate, Hateful Talk on Zombies

| January 13, 2011

I was recently linked via Zombie Universe to this talk from 2009 by one Dr. Steven Schlozman, who teaches psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, as well as practicing childhood and adolescent psychology and lecturing at Harvard’s School of Education. A prestigious individual talking about an important and widely neglected, when not actively maligned, community, here [...]

Saturday Morning Hate

| December 17, 2010

Popular webcomic and apparently Zombophobe site Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal recently posted a comic (or series of charts, depending on your definition of ‘comic’) simplifying the ‘Zombie Movie’ genre into chart form while glibly passing on the usual stereotypes about the Differently Animated. You know the ones I mean. “Zombies eat brains. Zombies are a [...]