The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Never Stay at a Best Western, Particularly the One in Victoria, Texas

| December 14, 2011

Let’s get this out of the way up-front: this post isn’t about Zombies, or their rights. It *is* about putting an easily found record on the web about a particularly skeezy hotel that ripped me off while I was out and about traveling on behalf of Zombie Rights, and the large corporate hotel chain that [...]

Et tu, ‘Paranorman’? The Continued Ghettoization of the Zombie Community

| December 13, 2011

We talked earlier, and hopefully, about upcoming family film ‘Paranorman’ here on the ZRC blog. A highlight: Yes, let’s try DIALOGUE, people. Negotiate, discuss, find common ground and build upon it. This is the way to move forward, not cricket bats and haphazard massacres. We cannot wait for ParaNorman here at the ZRC. It should [...]

Zombies Don’t Need Backhanded Compliments, Let Alone Faux Academics

| December 13, 2011

You know the phenomenon where someone appears to be flattering you but in fact is making a smarmy, sarcastic insult? There’s a term for those: ‘backhanded’ compliments, and Zombies get them quite a bit. Usually it’s a way of playing up how, supposedly, unintelligent and savage Zombies are – but boy, aren’t they persistent? Brother. [...]

George Takei Agrees: Sparkly Vampires Must Go

| December 13, 2011

Not to fall into the ‘Argument from authority’ trap, but sometimes it is nice to get a bit of validation when someone you respect publicly endorses a controversial position you’ve taken. Case in point: George Takei, noted actor and civil rights activist, agrees with the ZRC about Twilight and its sparkly vampires: Thank you, Mr. [...]

‘My Zombie Body’ Peddles New Fears of the Differently Animated Using Old Scares

| December 12, 2011

Ever heard of sleep paralysis? It’s a phenomenon where a person becomes unable to move, but still largely conscious, while falling asleep or waking up. They are trapped inside their own body, helpless, often terrified and sometimes plagued with hallucinations. It’s actually not that uncommon. A lot of people have it happen at least once [...]

Zombie Christmas Songs? Well, Anti-Zombie Ones Maybe

| December 12, 2011

It’s the season for bombarding the world with Christmas music, and for some reason society is always looking for new pop music instead of listening to some of the classics that don’t actively make the listener want to jab a chopstick into their ear, deep into the brain to quiet the noises once and for [...]

Zombie of the Year 2011 Nominations

| December 10, 2011

It has been a momentous year for Zombie Rights. The ZRC has done outreach galore, dipped our toes into political controversy, led a Zombie Rights rally in Illinois and even participated in the world’s first (to our knowledge) Zombie Rights Debate in Victoria, Texas. But this post isn’t about us. Standing up for the rights [...]

SyFy Got Ving Rhames to Do Least Creatively Titled Anti-Zom Film Ever

| December 9, 2011

The Sci-Fi Channel, sorry, SyFy (like syphillis) Channel has gotten a reputation as a purveyor of b-movie direct to cable schlock in recent years, and it’s earned them a lot of fame and, let’s face it, some ratings gold too. Now they’re releasing what has to be the least imaginatively titled Anti-Zombie film of all [...]

New Zombie Apocalypse Game on Apple Devices Lets You Play Both Sides of Invented Conflict

| December 9, 2011

You see a lot of nasty games pitting the Living against the Differently Animated, but few allow the player to be on both sides of the completely fictitious ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ scenario that the media peddles so voraciously. ‘Infected’ from Glu Mobile, however, lets players create a customized Zombie ‘virus’ and then attempt to attack their [...]

ZRC Review of ‘Too Late’, A Short Film for Recommended Viewing

| December 9, 2011

Rarely does the ZRC publicly urge our readers to see something without a review first, but I don’t want to spoil this for you. Discussion after the video behind the blog cut. Too Late from SIDE FILMS on Vimeo. Directed & Edited: Rani Naamani Makeup & Set Dressing: Nedy Acet Performance: Nelson Brown Color Correction [...]