The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

‘Thriller’ Adaptation to Promote Flint Zombie Walk Tragically Anti-Zombie

| August 16, 2011

We like ‘Thriller’ here at the ZRC, and you occasionally see it pop up as a rare early positive example of the Undead in mainstream American media. To this day it still receives attention and acclaim (including ours). Unfortunately, not all of that attention is good for Zombies: A group of locals are hoping to [...]

Zombie Bowling Balls?

| August 13, 2011

This story is more than a tad bizarre, showing that, yes, they really will splash Zombies into just about anything these days: Holy freakin’ crap, just look at those zombie balls. You can thank the Jung van Matt/Elbe ad agency for this awesomeness. The bowling balls were designed to promote Germany’s 13th Street horror TV [...]

Is Lizzie Pyxx an Anti-Zombie Bigot?

| August 4, 2011

BuyZombie pointed us to this video cover/parody of the song ‘Zombie’ by The Cranberries: Zombie (The Undead) arranged and performed by Lizzie Pyxx parodying The Cranberries song “Zombie” Edited by Alex Gamble Clips from ‘Night of the Living Dead’, ‘Vengeance of the Zombies’, ‘Oasis of the Zombies’ were used as projecting material. The video itself, [...]

The ZRC Responds to ZRS Comic-Con Panel

| July 30, 2011

The so-called ‘Zombie Research Society’, who seem to have never conducted any actual research on Zombies beyond skimming previous works of Anti-Zombie prejudice and extrapolating from hate fiction, had a panel at Comic-Con this year, and they shot video. Naturally we feel the need to respond to their allegations and slanders. Here’s the first part [...]

‘Plants vs Zombies’ Evil Continues to Spread, Now Infecting Music

| July 26, 2011

We’ve had a few tangles with ‘Plants vs Zombies’ here on the ZRC blog. We feel that their game is a harmful product marketed at children to introduce Anti-Zombie hate to the next generation; they, or at least ‘Plants vs Zombies’ writer Stephen Notely, have harsh words about our clients I lay my prejudice bare. [...]

‘The Walking Dead’ Mocks Differently Able Zombies in Comic-Con Intro Video

| July 21, 2011

You know, there are few depths to which I’m surprised to see Living Supremacists stoop these days, but something about this promo video for ‘The Walking Dead’ Season 2 and the cast appearance at Comic-Con still managed to offend me: Is it just me, or is there a serious subtext in this video of mocking [...]

PayPal and Vicious Anti-Zombie Prejudice

| July 18, 2011

A short time ago we declined to switch our checkout system to Google Checkout because of their rather onerous censorship policies, which as free speech advocates the ZRC cannot condone. Now it seems that Paypal wants to irritate us too: At a company event today at its headquarters in San Jose, PayPal provided at least [...]

‘Stranger’ Zombie Movie Trailer and Boundless Zombie Rights Optimism

| July 16, 2011

Very little seems to be available about this upcoming Zombie Film on the internet, but there is a trailer, so let’s engage in some critical analysis that may prove frightfully incorrect later when actual facts are available, shall we? First, the trailer and description from Youtube: A teaser trailer for the upcoming zombie film, Stranger. [...]

The Single Most Elaborate Anti-Zombie Commercial in History

| July 2, 2011

You know how sometimes life throws you a curve-ball and you end up seeing something that really transforms your view of the world, or some tiny portion thereof? Now, we’ve seen Anti-Zombie and Zombie Friendly commercials here at the ZRC before; I am not unschooled in the art of using Zombies to market a product, [...] Presents ‘Dealing With The Guy Who’s Clearly Hiding a Zombie Bite’

| July 1, 2011

We’ve had our issues with before, and this video certainly isn’t perfect, presenting some harmful stereotypical imagery about the Differently Animated, but on the whole it seems to be a satire of the Zombpocalypse concept. Check it out: Dealing With The Guy Who’s Clearly Hiding a Zombie Bite — powered by See, they [...]