The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Boing Boing Again Editorializing Against the Undead, Zombie Family Sticker Edition

| January 20, 2012

Sometimes your so-called journalists just can’t resist a little Zombie bashing as they go about their day. Tragically, quite a few of these prejudiced scribes seem to work at Boing Boing, perhaps inspired by the bad example of Cory Doctorow, who can say. So when we were linked to a post about some Zombie Family [...]

‘Dark Ascension’ Continues Unfortunate Trend in Magic: The Gathering

| January 16, 2012

We’ve been looking at the recent Magic: the Gathering expansions into the world of gothic horror and lamenting the cruel mistreatment of the Zombie Community represented by these cards. Not to sound melodramatic, but it can be more than a little dispiriting when the lengthy and completely unjust persecution of an entire people (or, arguably, [...]

Deeply Disappointed In ‘Innistrad’; a ZRC Review

| January 16, 2012

Some time ago Magic the Gathering came out with a new expansion set of cards called (and set in) a world called ‘Innistrad’. It’s a very gothic horror flavored fantasy scenario, with werewolves, demons, vampires and at least two very different sorts of Zombie; what you might call ‘Traditional’ Zombies resurrected by Necromancy, and the [...]

Romero’s Birthday Approaches

| January 16, 2012

The Zombie Community obviously has a lot of legitimate grievances with George A. Romero; his highly influential and patently offensive series of Anti-Zombie ‘of the Dead’ films contribute a lot of the ugly prejudices still seen in our society today. Yet he did also make ‘Creepshow’, one of the better Zombie movies, featuring, as it [...]

Zombies Lumped In With Unicorns, Knife-Fights, Alien Invaders in Kickstarter Project

| January 14, 2012

This is a bizarre, already-fully-funded project to make prints out of a series of illustrations celebrating the ‘Oh Sh*t’ (they bleep it, not me) moment when someone apparently realizes they are completely and utterly doomed. And one of the flavors of that doom is Zombies: Oh Expletive is a project of epic epicness. It is [...]

First ‘Return of the Living Dead’ Action Figure, Naturally, of Tarman

| January 9, 2012

Action figures. If you’ve ever wondered why ‘classic’ Anti-Zombie films don’t get action figures, well, maybe it just took some time: “They’re Back from the Grave and Ready to Party” The first ever ROTLD Action Figure! Tarman Zombie features ball jointed neck, Shoulders, Opening Jaw and base with Trioxin cannister and bitten brain! Oh, if [...]

‘All Zombies Must Die’ Released, Much to Our Dismay

| December 30, 2011

We’ve been following this one on the ZRC blog for a while, and at last, the dread time is upon us: Microsoft and doublesix have announced that the Xbox 360 version of All Zombies Must Die! is now available via Xbox LIVE, priced 800 MP. The spiritual successor to Burn Zombie Burn! drops up to [...]

‘Braaaaains’ Beanie Deeply Misleading

| December 26, 2011

From BuyZombie we learn of yet another Zombie Apocalypse themed clothing product: When the zombies strike, an abundance of warning signs can help prevent the spread of infection. Our advice? Wear a reminder. It may seem obvious but humans are easily distracted, especially when they find a stash of canned foods with valid expiration dates. [...]

An Anti-Zombie ‘Reality-Show’ Web-Series?

| December 20, 2011

Is there anything more soul-crushing than ‘Reality TV’? I mean, aside from the train-wreck-worthy shows where people compete at belting out showtunes in front of millions upon millions of viewers who really could get much better free music by just going to Pandora, you have shows that feature people eating live bugs or swapping spouses [...]

‘My Zombie Body’ Peddles New Fears of the Differently Animated Using Old Scares

| December 12, 2011

Ever heard of sleep paralysis? It’s a phenomenon where a person becomes unable to move, but still largely conscious, while falling asleep or waking up. They are trapped inside their own body, helpless, often terrified and sometimes plagued with hallucinations. It’s actually not that uncommon. A lot of people have it happen at least once [...]