The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Sneak-Peek at Zombie Bohemia – The Series

| August 4, 2012

Friends, it seems that some additional incentive is needed to support the ‘Zombie Bohemia – The Series’ Kickstarter campaign. Frankly I’m not sure why, but then I got to see the short film on the big screen so I’m a bit biased. Maybe people need a taste of what they’d be supporting? Well fortunately for [...]

Flashback Weekend and ‘The Evil Clergyman’

| August 2, 2012

This is more of a ‘cool stuff for H.P. Lovecraft fans’ thing than a Zombie story per se; at least, I believe the (allegedly) ‘Evil’ Clergyman is more like a ghost than a Zombie. Or maybe a time traveler. Still, the movie might have gone with more of an Undead route and the Art Director’s [...]

Zombies Counterprotest Westboro Baptist Church

| July 30, 2012

You know, Zombies catch an awful lot of flack from the usual suspects in the press: stereotypes about brain-devouring, Living-slaughtering and a (supposed) lack of intelligence and humanity. But, I’ll have you point out, they don’t go around picketing funerals, like the, ahem, people from the Westboro Baptist Church. Who’ve become justifiably infamous as, well, [...]

Sad Times for English Zombies (And Everyone Else)

| July 28, 2012

The ZRC blog reported extensively on the arrest/persecution of UK Zombie Activists (or just those dressed as Zombies, minding their own business). In fact, our most recent Zombie of the Year was one of said unjustly detained activists, Hannah Eiseman-Renyard, who bravely fought against said injustices in court. Tragically, and in our opinion inexplicably, the [...]

FEARnet Covers Zombie Rights March at ComicCon 2012

| July 26, 2012

We mentioned the Zombie Rights March to be held at this year’s ComicCon, and it appears it was a great success. FEARnet’s reporter on the scene starts off from a very classic Anti-Zombie position but the earnestness, diversity and friendliness of the marchers makes a big impact, and the resulting piece illustrates beautifully why the [...]

Zombies as Mascots? This Could Go Poorly

| July 20, 2012

Using various cultures and peoples as sports mascots has a long and often troubled history. For every ‘Fighting Irish’ that’s generally seen as harmless you have a plethora of, say, Native American mascots that are far more controversial. It’s a touchy subject. Keeping that in mind, and also bearing in mind the current status of [...]

Hey, Zombie Allies: Support ‘Zombie Bohemia’ The Series!!!

| July 19, 2012

The ZRC loved Zombie Bohemia. I mean, seriously loved it. A Zombie Friendly story about an Undead *artist* struggling to make an Unliving in the hyper-competitive Fine Arts world? And a cast and crew open to constructive criticism and advice from the Undead Rights Movement? Excellent. Now you, lucky Zombie Rights Allies of the Internet, [...]

‘Dead Before Dawn 3D’

| July 13, 2012

Wow. I for one am severely disappointed in Christopher Lloyd for appearing in upcoming Anti-Zombie (and Anti-Demon) film, ‘Dead Before Dawn 3D‘: So basically, let me get this straight. An irresponsible shop owner keeps a magical weapon of mass destruction sitting on a high shelf where it can fall and be released. He allows an [...]

‘Nightmare on Chicago Street’ 2012 Date Announced! And We’ll Be There!

| July 11, 2012

And that date is: October 27th. We’ll definitely be back in Elgin this year to help spread the word about Zombie Friendliness and the Global Reanimation Block Party! Last year was after all a huge success. Even if there were a lot of tragic stereotypes to fight. Hey, any event where you get to pull [...]

Become a Zombie for.. Tax Purposes?

| July 9, 2012

In the ‘Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy’ series there is a minor rockstar character named Hotblack Desatio who spends time ‘dead for tax purposes’, a sort of tax exile where the legal status of being ‘deceased’ saves you money that would otherwise go to the government. I bring this up because, in a roundabout way, [...]